The end of August should be prime tomato growing season. This is usually the time of year when the big yellow bowl on my kitchen island overflows with all types of juicy red tomatoes. Usually we are so sick of tomatoes by this time of year that we’re blanching, freezing, and processing as many as we can to save for a future date.
But this year was different. The derecho that swept through at the end of June toppled nearly all my tomato plants. Many were knocked flat, stakes and supports uprooted, vines tumbling everywhere. I admit too that with the heat and the drought I sort of gave up on them. I was diligent about taking care of the plants in May. I was out there weekly pinching off side shoots, tying the branches up with soft cloth, doing all the things you’re supposed to do. But then the derecho knocked them all down and I couldn’t get them upright again, and we sort of gave up on them, letting the plants drape this way and that.
Many of the tomatoes were lost but many just didn’t come to peak taste, flavor or color this year, either. The cherry tomatoes were all right and at the start of the season we got some nice Beefstake tomatoes. Early Girl and Supersonic were hits. Mortgage Lifter is just too ‘meaty’ for my family’s tastes. The special heirloom variety seeds I obtained in the Master Gardener class this spring didn’t live, so I never did get to taste green striped tomatoes…
We still have some smaller tomatoes coming in, but mostly it’s a big tangle of ugly dead vines. I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just pull out the tomato plants or leave them for now? If I pull them out I can clean up that area of the garden and free up space for the broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage seedings growing in trays on my front porch right now. On the other hand, I might miss out on more tomatoes!
Decisions, decisions…