The workshop at B & M Greenhouse in Farmville on how to make a terrarium was so much fun. As someone in the group said, “There wasn’t a bad one in the bunch.” About 20 people came and made beautiful terrariums using tropical plants, mosses and rocks. Tina brought a gorgeous array of mosses that would have made its own lovely planter. People used wonderful colors and textures to decorate their planters. It was a lot of fun, and although I was a helper and thus did not make a terrarium, the class inspired me to write a new article called How to Make a Terrarium. I hope you enjoy it and I’d welcome it if you would share the link to the article on your favorite social media platforms.
Work continues on my new home and garden lifestyle website, Get Your Hands Dirty Gardening, and on the book revisions. I’ve been in the middle of a large content writing project and enjoying it enormously since it is about one of my favorite topics, horses – but I haven’t had much time to work on my book and personal writing. It’s always a trade off, isn’t it? Sometimes you have time to work on your personal projects, but no immediate income comes in from them and the bills still need to be paid. At other times, the consulting and writing work is busy, so there is no time for personal writing. I hope to work a little bit on it later this week. I’m so happy to be sharing some of my off beat gardening tips, recipes and thoughts with you on the new site!