“This is such a well-written and helpful little gardening book. In it, Jeanne offers a multitude of ideas and tips for creating the best raised bed garden! I can’t wait for spring!” – Karen, Amazon Customer, Verified Purchaser
“Clearly written by a gardener with a passion for growing seasonal fresh food as simply as possible, I find Plan and Build a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden to be an informative guide for gardeners of all abilities.” – K.L. Jackson, Amazon Review
Plan and Build a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden offers gardeners of all abilities simple, detailed and easy to follow instructions to build their very own raised bed garden.
In this book, I show you how to…
- Choose the best location for your vegetable garden.
- Build a simple raised bed out of lumber.
- Select the best soil to grow great vegetables.
- Determine how to make pathways in your garden.
- Transform raised beds into winter cold frames.
This book is great for the novice gardener and a quick read to help you get out and garden as quickly as possible.
42 pages, paperback and ebook
ISBN-13: 978-1507679838
Available from:
- Amazon (paperback and ebook)