by Jeanne
I’ve put together this henbit plant profile to spotlight a lovely plant – which many gardeners consider a weed. Weed or flower? To me, it’s a matter of perspective. Every spring, at least one of my raised beds is covered in a thick mat of henbit. Henbit is both lovely and practical despite being labeled…
I wrote this Ultime Guide to Growing Beets to share my techniques for growing tasty, organic beets. Beets are a powerhouse of nutrition. Both the beetroot and the leaves and stems are edible. You can also can beets and beet greens to store them for year-round use. Here, I share with you a full guide…
Even though it’s cold and snowy out, winter homesteading projects beckon. As I write this, snow is falling in sheets outside my office windows, covering the orchard trees with a blanket of white. Last week, an ice storm knocked power out for 36 hours – and knocked pines down every which way. We had poles…
This easy, classic chicken pot pie recipe hit the spot last night for warm, filling wintertime comfort food. My husband loves chicken pot pie, but we rarely buy the prepared, frozen ones anymore due to the high fat and sodium content. I wanted to make him something he really loves since he’s been working so…
Me again ;). You would love the farms here. We have tons of Mennonites in the area and their gardens are so picture perfect it makes one cry. I wish I could be so prolific in keeping my farm so beautiful but I have to remind myself they have large families that help a lot and their own greenhouses etc.! I don’t have that. I did get a small Mary garden going, not what I wanted but for now it will do. I have a large cement Mary statue in front of my house that came with it. She is too heavy for me to move on my own so I made a ring of bricks around her and planted it. I told hubby I want her to have a place of honor in the future. He is Catholic too but not practicing, one of those forced to go to church by an overbearing mother who had a need to appear perfect. But he lets me do as I please with my quickly growning Catholic pile of stuff that I keep rescuing from yard sales and thrift shops ;). Maybe I’ll start a blog and show some of the stuff I have. Would you come visit?
We just finished up a weeks worth of haying. 25 more acres to cut and bale and 1st crop will be done. Yay!