Growing Great Zucchini

by Jeanne
Even though it’s cold and snowy out, winter homesteading projects beckon. As I write this, snow is falling in sheets outside my office windows, covering the orchard trees with a blanket of white. Last week, an ice storm knocked power out for 36 hours – and knocked pines down every which way. We had poles…
This easy, classic chicken pot pie recipe hit the spot last night for warm, filling wintertime comfort food. My husband loves chicken pot pie, but we rarely buy the prepared, frozen ones anymore due to the high fat and sodium content. I wanted to make him something he really loves since he’s been working so…
It’s a quiet time in the garden here at Seven Oaks Farm, the home of Home Garden Joy. Although we’ve had some cold nights, with temperatures in the teens, it feels like spring again. That means the daffodils in the orchard have broken through the soil showing green shoots like heralds of spring. Too early,…
I never imagined we would get so much use from a $3 store-bought pumpkin! I love decorating for fall with a fresh pumpkin. My husband found one on clearance at Kroger (our local supermarket) the last week of October—$3 for this huge beauty! (Hat not included—it wore my gardening hat for Halloween trick-or-treating.) Instead of…
When I lived in the Carolinas one was advised never to leave car windows open otherwise you would return to find the car full of zucchini. A friend used to grow me extra large zucchini so I could stuff and roast it. Glad you made it to the end, enjoyed your posts.