The birds are another matter entirely. They’re tough to outwit. Netting might help, but I haven’t invested in it yet. As soon as the berries are the perfect shade of ripeness, crows bite the ends off. I try to hide the berries under leaves, which seems to work. If they can’t see it, they don’t eat it.
- Southern Living shares 51 recipes for fresh strawberries. Their magazine is usually great when it comes to recipes. Some look absolutely mouth-watering!
- Cooking Light is always one of my favorite recipe sources. Here they’ve listed 20 recipes for fresh strawberries.
- Taste of Home is another magazine which published great recipes. Here is the link to their collection of strawberry recipes.

I had my first strawberries from my plant. Last year squirrels, birds, and slugs got to them first, but no Japanese beetles. They don’t show up in my yard for some reason – someone suggested because of an abundance of shade in the neighborhood.