Winter composting: is it too cold to start a compost pile?
Compost, that rich mixture of organic materials added to garden soil that boosts plant growth and development, typically requires warmth for the bacteria to break down plant material. However, with some wintertime adjustments, you can indeed make compost during the colder months of the year.
I keep my compost pile going year-round. You can, too! You can also start one as a winter project but do not expect a batch of compost until the spring or summer when temperatures warm up.
Is It Possible to Create Compost During the Winter?
Active composting requires a consistent temperature of 40 degrees or more. When temperatures fall below freezing, the decomposition process comes to a stop. As temperatures warm up in the spring, microbial activity resumes.
There’s no reason to stop adding to your compost pile in the wintertime. In fact, if you keep adding to it over the winter months, the bacteria will take advantage of any warm spells to begin working their microscopic magic on your garden and kitchen refuse.
If you live in an area with mild winters, the process may slow down a bit, but there is no reason for you to stop or change your method.
In parts of the country where winters are colder, the best composers are tumblers – enclosed composers. They block out freezing elements such as rain and snow, and they store heat.
Composting Basics
Composting is the process by which organic materials, water, and air mix to help break down the organics into hummus – that rich material that feeds plants. Microbes found naturally on plant material such as leaves and grass help it break down. Additionally, earthworms and other insects also break plant material down and excrete wastes which also makes a nourshing soil amendment.
Heat helps plant material break down rapidly. However, you can still compost in the wintertime. Cold composting requires more time and patience before materials break down. Just leave the pile until the spring. If it thaws enough to work with your compost, you can turn or stir it a bit to encourage air and moisture circulation.
What Is the Best Material to Compost During the Winter?
The key to winter composting is to add things that will keep your compost warm such as leaves, kitchen scraps and paper products, aka the “brown materials.” You also need to continue feeding green matter to your compost to keep the bacteria alive and working.
By shredding material into small pieces it will help speed up the decomposition process. Shredding organic waste speeds the composting process by 1,000% and “is the key to successful composting”, says UC Berkeley. And Texas AgriLife Extension Service says “shredding material in the pile to particles less than two inches in size will allow [the pile] to heat more uniformly and will insulate it from outside temperature extremes.”
However, it can be challenging to find materials for your compost pile in the winter. I just keep adding kitchen scraps – banana peels, coffee grinds, eggshells, fruit and vegetable peels – and resume normal composting in the spring.

Are Compost Tumblers Better for Winter Composting?
Compost tumblers are the most efficient systems for winter composting. A tumbler can be spun to mix the compost, has aeration, is self-contained and protects compost from hungry wildlife and harsh winter elements.
Compost tumblers come with a single drum or two compartments so one batch can be added to while the other matures. Because they are enclosed and elevated from the ground, compost tumblers are the easiest way to help keep compost active through cold winter months.
Does Compost Need to Be Turned and Covered in the Winter?
While turning a compost pile is important when temperatures are above 40 degrees, in winter, you don’t have to turn your pile as much, if at all. The rain or snow will keep it moist and by not turning you will keep any heat in and the bacteria inside as warm as possible.
To preserve any heat during the winter months, keep your compost covered with a generous layer of leaves, tarp, newspaper or cardboard. Surprisingly, snow on the top can also provide a nice insulating cover.
Can I Compost Indoors Instead?
Yes! You do not have to brave the cold in order to compost all winter long. If you have a heated shed or garage, you can move your composting tumbler indoors. You’ll want to be sure to put it in an area where it’s okay to get a little messy from loading/unloading and liquid drainage (compost tea).
Compost tea is a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer that is created by steeping compost in water. It’s an excellent way to provide plants with a boost of beneficial microorganisms and nutrients. (And no it’s not a tea you can drink – it is for your plants to drink! The name comes from the brown color of the liquid, like tea).
How to Make Compost Tea
Set up your equipment in the garage or a shed where it won’t freeze (but you also won’t mind if it gets messy, like if you spill a little bit!). You will need well-aged, finished compost to make the “tea”. This should be rich in organic matter and microbial life.
Use non-chlorinated water. If your tap water contains chlorine, let it sit for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to dissipate. Chlorine kills some of the friendly microbes.
You will also need a container and aeration equipment. If you have an old aquarium air stone and pump, repurpose it to use in your compost tea. A strainer or a square of cheesecloth makes straining the final “brew” easier.
Steps to Make Compost Tea
- Fill the Container: Fill your container with water. If possible, use rainwater or let tap water sit for 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate.
- Add Compost: Place a mesh bag or simply a few handfuls of compost directly into the water. The compost should be well-aerated and not packed tightly.
- Aeration: Attach the aquarium pump to the air stone and place it in the container. Turn on the pump to start the aeration process. This helps beneficial microorganisms thrive in the tea.
- Brewing Time: Let the compost steep in the water for 24 to 48 hours. Stir the mixture occasionally to promote the growth of microorganisms.
- Strain the Tea: After the brewing period, use a strainer or cheesecloth to separate the liquid from the solid compost particles. The remaining solids can be added to your garden as a soil amendment.
- Application: Dilute the compost tea with water before applying it to your plants. A common dilution ratio is 1:10 (one part compost tea to ten parts water). Use the tea to water your plants or apply it as a foliar spray.
- Use promptly: Compost tea is most effective when used fresh. Try to use it within a few hours of finishing the brewing process.
Compost tea creates a great organic fertilizer. You can use it on house plants or herbs you keep indoors in the winter. (See my online course Easy Indoor Herb Gardening for more information.) Brewing a batch of compost tea enables you to create your own organic fertilizer as part of your winter composting efforts.
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