I love planting tulips, and these double flowering orange tulips were a lovely addition to my symbolic garden. If you avoid planting tulips because they don’t last long in your area, these flowers may be a nice surprise.

Double-Flowering Tulips
Double-flowering tulips don’t bloom twice – they have twice the petals inside the flower cup. The bulbs look the same as traditional tulips bulbs. When the flower emerges, it has a rounder appearance, eventually unfolding into these multi-petaled gems that are breathtaking in the garden.
I was afraid that the double flowering tulips would sink under the weight of the blooms; the flower heads look quiet heavy. But the stems are study, and once they begin to bloom, hold their heads upright.
The flowers shown here are “Sunlover” a variety of tulip with double petals and orange, yellow and red stripes. The flowers emerge a golden yellow and as the blooms mature, turn a deeper orange and red.
I haven’t had any problems this year with blossom loss or petal loss, and we have had both cold and windy days. My patch of double flowered tulips are in a small garden area that is sheltered from the wind on the south and western sides by the house and patio so perhaps that has helped.
I received these bulbs as a gift from Bulbs.com with no expectation of anything other than an honest review. And I will be honest — I’m in love with these tulips. I plan to grow them again and add more to the garden. They are really stunning and quite beautiful.
Bulbs are so easy to plant and add delightful color to the garden before many other plants bloom. After a long winter of dreary days, the splash of color from my Sunlover double-flowering tulips brings me joy

Thank you to Bulb.com for the samples
This post was written in April 2018 and updated July 29, 2021 with new information, updated images, and fresh links.